Rent (2005)
IMDb 6.8
This rock opera tells the story of one year in the life of a group of bohemians struggling in modern day East Village New York. The story centers around Mark and Roger, two roommates. While a former tragedy has made Roger numb to life, Mark tries to capture it through his attempts to make a film. In the year that follows, the group deals with love, loss, AIDS, and modern day life in one truly powerful story.—Alex W
Details :
name :
MPA rating :
Release Date :
Oct 11th 22
Runtime :
135 min
Language :
Genres :
Action , Drama , Musical , Romance
Cast :
Rosario Dawson
Jesse L. Martin
Jennifer Siebel Newsom
Anthony Rapp
This rock opera tells the story of one year in the life of a group of bohemians struggling in modern day East Village New York. The story centers around Mark and Roger, two roommates. While a former tragedy has made Roger numb to life, Mark tries to capture it through his attempts to make a film. In the year that follows, the group deals with love, loss, AIDS, and modern day life in one truly powerful story.—Alex W