A Silent Voice: The Movie (2016)
A Silent Voice: The Movie
IMDb 8.1
The story revolves around Shôko Nishimiya, a grade school student who has impaired hearing. She transfers into a new school, where she is bullied by her classmates, especially Shôya Ishida. It gets to the point where she transfers to another school and as a result, Shôya is ostracized and bullied himself, with no friends to speak to and no plans for the future. Years later, he epicly sets himself on a path to redemption.—Ariodito Koestoer
Details :
name :
A Silent Voice: The Movie
MPA rating :
Release Date :
Aug 9th 18
Runtime :
130 min
Language :
Genres :
Action , Animation , Drama , Family , Romance
Cast :
Kira Buckland
Barbara Goodson
Robbie Daymond
Aoi Yuki
The story revolves around Shôko Nishimiya, a grade school student who has impaired hearing. She transfers into a new school, where she is bullied by her classmates, especially Shôya Ishida. It gets to the point where she transfers to another school and as a result, Shôya is ostracized and bullied himself, with no friends to speak to and no plans for the future. Years later, he epicly sets himself on a path to redemption.—Ariodito Koestoer